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The turtles living near by always kept a wary eye open for Billy's presence. Nothing the turtles loved better than to sun tan on a log. A whole bunch of them would line up on a log for a bit of rest and sun tanning. Billy would sneak up quietly and twist the log, laughing his head off when they all plopped into the water. They wondered how they could ever repay him with a trick of their own. One day they had an idea; they tied the end of Billy's favorite balancing log to a tree. When Billy showed up to drag his log to the river, the turtles were all there to watch him. "Let us see how strong you are Billy," they called out to him. "You are strong enough to tilt our log and make us plunge into the water. Are you strong enough to pull your log out to the stream?" "Nothing to it," said Billy. He began to pull on the log. He moaned and groaned but the log did not come. "What's the matter, Billy, didn't have your breakfast this morning?" The turtles enjoyed the scene. After a lot of pulling and tugging, Billy discovered the rope. He blushed and must have turned red as a beet. After that the turtles were left to sun tan in peace. One day the beaver living up stream came rushing over; he was all excited. "A big, huge log is floating down the river heading straight toward your lodge", he yelled. Everybody panicked. Papa beaver said, "Everybody out of the lodge!" Mama beaver said, "Quick, let's all grab some valuables to save before we leave." The only thing going through Billy's head was just how big a crash it would be.
Randy had a lot of study material that he wanted to save and Lizzie gathered up all her valuable ornaments. The big log was getting very close. "Time to leave!" Papa beaver shouted. It wasn't the big crash that Billy was expecting, but the tail end of the big log damaged the lodge. "What will we do now?" said Mama beaver, "There isnŐt enough time to do the repairs before dark." Papa beaver said, "We have to try. Everybody get to work." |