Big Kittie and Junior: A Day in the Life of a Caregiver

Big Kittie
Big Kittie


This is the life of the caregiver. Day after day they do this job. It is very stressful. Sometimes, family will not help. Sometimes, the support groups and friends just don't take the time to ask them if they need help.

Which they do, Junior says.

Most of the time people don't visit or come by. They could help.

Trudy's mother went to a church and no one came by on a weekly basis to see them. They just thought because things were getting done that they were all right.

But, this went on for years and years. Finally, both Trudy and her brother Randall began to have some health problems. They were both so stressed.

No one really seemed to care! They even asked for help from their church. No help came. Sometimes, people who mean well just assume that if someone looks like they are making it day to day, then there is no reason to reach out.

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