Captain Silverspoons and His Missing Earrings: Page 4

"Oh no, you are mistaken. These were given to me as a birthday present. It is my birthday today." "No, you don't understand," Silverspoons began. "They are my earrings. They have CS imprinted on them, look and see."

So the Big Chief took the earrings off and looked at them. "Ah," said the Big Chief. "I do see a C and an S. These are your earrings. I am sorry. I did not know they were yours," the Big Chief said, handing them back.

Captain Silverspoons remembered the torn bit of cloth he had found and gave it to the Big Chief. The Big Chief looked at it, then looked at a young Tribiler hiding behind a large pot. "Did you steal these from the Captain?" he asked. In a quiet voice the young Tribiler answered, "Yes Big Chief, I thought they would be a nice present for you."

"You should not steal from others," the Big Chief boomed. "It means more to receive something that has been worked for honestly. Stealing from others is never good. But let us not spoil the mood. Let us continue with the party! Captain, you should join in."

Happy that he had his earrings back, Captain Silverspoons joined in the party celebrating the Big Chief's birthday.

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